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Windows Media Player



about the site

SUGARFORBRAINS is the personal site of BENNY. The green haired person with dog ears. The one writing this.

This website exists for me to be creative and a place where I can put whatever I want. That's it. I'm just here to party!

You can find things such as my art, original characters (soon), flash games and animations, and a whole bunch of other shit here. I hope you like whatever you come across.

It is always a work in progress, if you couldn't tell. It will never be "finished" as I have so much I want to add to it, and because I'm lazy. But still, have fun exploring!

FAG / Frequently Asked Questions

frequently / commonly asked questions!

Q: Why don't the buttons on the homepage work?
A: They don't link to anything yet. They will eventually!
Q: How did you code [specific thing]?
A: You can ask me in my askbox or guestbook but I recommend looking up whatever you want to know before asking.
Q: How did you learn to code?
A: Looking at code from other sites, searching up exactly what I wanted to code, coding every day until I got better.
Q: Do you have any social media?
A: I only use YouTube really. I have a tumblr but it's not very active. I do not use any other social media.
Q: Can I take inspo from your site?
A: Yeah sure! I'd love to see what you make.
Q: Can you code my site?
A: No. I might make free templates someday though.
If you have a question that wasn't answered here, see the askbox.
Windows Media Player